Installing aaPanel: A Quick and Easy Guide

Installing aaPanel A Quick and Easy Guide

aaPanel is a simple to use control panel that can be installed on your VPS or dedicated server quickly and easily. This quick guide will walk you through the installation process, from beginning to end, so you can get up and running in no time at all. Let’s get started!

Step 1. Get the Plugin

Visit the Download page on the aa Panel website. Select your system, either Windows or Mac, to download the latest version of the plugin. The Installer will prompt you to extract it and will also give you more information about what it is. Extracting this file creates an aaPanel folder on your desktop. Drag that folder into one of these folders (explained below) depending on what system you are using. •Windows: C:\Program Files\aaPanel •Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/aaPanel Visit the File tab in Finder and then click Go -> Go to Folder. Type in ~/Library/Application Support/aaPanel for Mac users, then press Enter.

Step 2. Create an account: When you first visit aaPanel’s web app, you’ll be prompted to create an account by entering your email address and password as well as setting up some other options like admin username and password. After logging in, you can manage your site’s settings and upload media.

With just a few minutes of work following our guide above, you’ll have access to all the powerful features available with aaPanel!

Step 2. Download aaPanel

Follow the instructions on our downloads page. This will ensure that you have all of the necessary dependencies installed to run your software.

Once downloaded, unzip the compressed file. Inside, there should be a folder labeled aaPanel with an executable inside called aaPanel. You’ll need to move this folder to somewhere on your computer that you feel most comfortable keeping it (i.e.. Desktop). If you are installing in Windows, then right-click on the file and select Run as Administrator – this is required for windows 7+.

Now, right-click again and select Properties. There should be two tabs at the top of the box that pops up – General and Security. Click on Security, then click ‘Unblock’ under where it says ‘blocked by security settings’.

Close out of these boxes by clicking OK at the bottom left-hand corner. Now double-click on aaPanel to open up your panel!

Step 3. Install aaPanel

Finally, open up the web browser on your computer and type in the IP address of your Raspberry Pi 3 (by default it is at the URL bar of your browser window. One you have entered the IP address; press Enter or Return. Your new control panel will load, just enter in a password for it if you want to set one up, then click log in. Congratulations! You’ve installed and configured aaPanel on your Raspberry Pi 3! Now we can go through some of the basics that you’ll find on aaPanel.

For starters, go to ‘Themes’ from the left sidebar and choose a color scheme for your panel interface. Once that’s done, go back to the homepage by clicking aa in the top left corner. Now click ‘Plugins’ from the sidebar which contains all different kinds of plugins such as Alerts plugin where you can create alerts that send an email when they are triggered, System Control Plugin where you can monitor CPU usage or RAM usage and so much more! There are tons of plugins that come with this setup so explore them all today because there’s never been an easier way to manage multiple servers than with aaPanel .

The next step is to visit the Plugins page, scroll down and install any new plugins you might be interested in adding to your list. I would recommend starting with Multimedia Streaming for Plex since we talked about how great Plex was earlier. From here, you should be able to figure out how everything else works pretty easily on your own but don’t hesitate to post questions on our forum!

Step 4. Configure your WordPress website with aaPanel

Complete the following tasks to configure your WordPress website with aaPanel. Remember, after each task you must go back to the command line interface and type aa panel followed by the prompt; for example, if you just completed task 3, you would type aa panel dashboard.

  1. Log in to your WordPress installation’s admin dashboard at the website. Fill in your username (root) and password when prompted.
  2.  Configure the database name with mysql, leave the other fields blank, then click Create database.
  3.  Go to Dashboard -> General Settings -> Site Title and enter a site title.
  4.  Go to Dashboard -> General Settings -> Site Description and enter a site description.
  5.  Click Save Changes on the top right of the page to save your changes.

Step 5. Create your first website panel!

Click on the plus icon at the top of the panel’s left sidebar and name your new panel. The title should be similar to what you are going to create inside of it. For example, if you are creating a recipe website, you might want to call it Recipes. Once you have named your panel, click into it by clicking on its title. You will then see the Insert tab at the top of the screen where you can insert any type of content. You can choose from various layouts for pages like blog posts, image galleries, FAQs or about us sections. Pick one that best suits your needs and use HTML tags to make changes to text colors, fonts or add images. When you’re done making edits simply hit publish!

Extra tips

aapanel is easy to install if you follow these few tips:

  •  Stay organized. Keep notes on what tasks are complete and the order of how they were executed.
  •  Understand your environment. Think about all aspects that might get in the way, like power sources, internet connections, etc. – Make sure you’ve read through all steps in the installation guide thoroughly before starting work. The last thing you want is to run into an error and have no idea where it came from. The good news is that as long as you’re careful, installing aaPanel should be a breeze!