Boomi vs MuleSoft: iPaaS comparison – which is better for your business?

Boomi vs MuleSoft: iPaaS comparison – which is better for your business?

Boomi and MuleSoft are two separate products that perform similar functions in the realm of integration and enterprise application services (iPaaS). For example, both offer the ability to create complex workflows between applications; create and manage APIs; create analytics; track data flows; and perform other tasks. However, Boomi and MuleSoft differ in terms of features, pricing, support channels, and integrations with other products or systems. This comparison will show you what each has to offer so you can decide which one meets your business’s needs best.

The basics of integration platforms

In its most basic definition, an integration platform (or iPaaS) integrates applications by mapping the data and functionality of one to the other. The two main types of integrations are logical integrations, in which a service extracts data from a source application; and physical integrations, in which data is pushed between applications to create automated workflow processes.

When choosing an integration platform, it’s important to think about what type of integrated system you’re looking for (on-premise or cloud-based), what additional features you need or don’t need, and if it will integrate with the systems you use today. There are two main competitors that stand out as clear leaders in this space: Boomi and MuleSoft. Boomi has been around since 2003, while MuleSoft launched in 2007. Both platforms offer software development kits, APIs, tools and support. Boomi works with many traditional enterprise back-end systems such as Oracle databases, SAP ERP solutions, Siebel CRM solutions and PeopleSoft CRM solutions. They also have more than 150 partners who integrate into their platform including ServiceNow, Salesforce, Marketos and others.

5 key differences between MuleSoft and Boomi

  1. Integration. With Boomi, you can sync to the cloud and on-premise data sources while the most you’ll get with MuleSoft is Azure connectivity.
  2. Data Science. If you want some help with data analytics, Boomi offers its own enterprise-grade deep learning engine while MuleSoft charges per user or by CPU hour ·
  3. Deployment Platforms. Boomi integrates across on-premise and cloud deployment platforms, giving developers a one-stop solution for end-to-end mobility deployments. But if it’s just an AWS deployment that you need, then check out Cloud stitch ·
  4. Mobile App Frameworks. You’ll find mobile app frameworks like Xamarin and React Native in Boomi but not in MuleSoft.MuleSoft also lacks an IDE like App Studio as well as powerful UI components such as MDX Studio.
  5. Salesforce integration. While both have Salesforce integration, only Boomi allows seamless configuration of CRM tables from within the web interface itself ·

Why do you need an integration platform?

Integration Platforms help organizations overcome data silos. Data silos can make it hard to track and analyze customers’ journeys, operational status, and more. Integration Platforms streamline the integration process between different applications so that companies are able to access the data they need when they need it.

This information helps you be smarter about how you allocate resources and make the best decisions in order to exceed customer expectations. What should you look for in an Integration Platform?: There are many things to consider when choosing an Integration Platform, but some of the most important include: – How easily does it integrate with other technologies?-How much expertise do I have to have on staff before I can use this platform effectively?-How long will a custom integration take to build?-What type of integrations does this platform offer out of the box?, and; -How do I know if this platform will grow with my company as it changes over time? Boomi offers all these features, as well as 24/7 U.S.-based technical support and SLAs that ensure uptime.

A closer look at the two leading Integration Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) vendors

Boomi and MuleSoft offer integrations software, but there are key differences between the two products. Boomi caters more to integration use cases where the IT applications involved have a similar architecture and coding language, while MuleSoft has more flexibility. When deciding on an iPAAS provider, it’s important to evaluate factors such as product size and scalability, account types, and pricing before making a decision. Below is a table that outlines the most popular features of both Boomi and MuleSoft.

  • Both companies offer live chat support;
  •  Boomi charges $3 per connector/inbound service (not including data storage);
  • MuleSoft offers a free starter plan with limited resources;

Which one is right for you?

As with any product, it can be hard to know whether you should use Boomi or MuleSoft. Here are the main differences between these two IPASs and how they would apply to you.

  •  With Boomi, the interface is an intuitive web design that allows you to drag and drop fields, objects, data sources, services and connectors on a canvas for ease of use. It integrates with services like Salesforce or Microsoft 365 so that all of the integration points are consistent and in one place. On the other hand, with MuleSoft there are limitations as to what kind of integrations can be made and no easy-to-use designer. In order to create a workflow, the user has to manually enter commands into a command line terminal.
  •  In terms of pricing, Boomi is cheaper than MuleSoft at $5 per user per month but also doesn’t offer additional features such as enterprise support or audit logs.
  • For each company’s different needs and applications, one might be better than the other but both are excellent products that will suit your needs well.

How to choose between the two

In the iPaaS market, there are a lot of options. Let’s compare these two major players, Boomi and MuleSoft. Boomi lets you communicate across all channels in one platform – other software platforms like SAP, Salesforce, and Workday (via integration). Some pros of using Boomi are that they offer a higher level of encryption on cloud-to-cloud integrations than their competitors. Also, their API functionality is more robust with tools like modeling and testing capabilities at no additional cost to the customer. One of the cons for both companies would be that it can be challenging to install and configure as there are many moving parts in your overall environment. This includes complex IT dependencies among other considerations that might slow down deployment from days to weeks or months.