Xerox Shares How They Improved Engineering Output by Using a Knowledge Management System

Xerox Shares How They Improved Engineering Output by Using a Knowledge Management System

When you think of well-known brands, there are probably several names that come to mind—IBM, Apple, and Microsoft come to mind for me. What might not be on your list, though, is Xerox. Founded in 1906, the company has been quietly innovating since before most of us were born and has changed the way people work and live. And at their headquarters in Connecticut, their R&D department just won an award for successfully using a knowledge management system to improve engineering output by 30%. Here’s how they did it.

mistakes they avoided


  1. They didn’t wait for people to buy in to the system – they just started using it and showed people how it could help them do their jobs better.
  2. They didn’t try to force people to use the system – they just made it available and let people use it on their own terms.
  3. They didn’t make the system too complicated – they kept it simple so that people would actually use it.
  4. They found out what mattered most to engineers and then tailored content to address those needs.


Case Study: Training Efficiently

The company began by rolling out the system to a group of 100 engineers and then offered training sessions. The training was structured so that it would be most beneficial to those who were already using the system. The company found that, after the initial rollout and training, the number of engineers using the system increased significantly. And, more importantly, they found that engineers were able to find the information they needed more quickly and easily.

Case Study: Sharing Design Decisions

In order to improve engineering output, Xerox implemented a knowledge management system for their engineers to use. This system helped engineers share design decisions and information quickly and easily, which saved time and improved the quality of their work. As a result, Xerox was able to improve engineering productivity by 20%. The implementation of this knowledge management system also allowed the company to reduce on-the-job injuries by 75% due to its detailed injury reporting process. Furthermore, it reduced confusion in the office by 60% because all necessary files were readily available in one place.

Case Study: Troubleshooting Problems

Before using a knowledge management system, engineers at Xerox were having trouble keeping track of all the information they needed to do their jobs effectively. This led to frustration and decreased productivity. After implementing a knowledge management system, however, they found that collaboration increased because it made it easier for engineers to find what they needed without asking other employees for help. In addition, maintenance costs went down as fewer parts had to be replaced due to errors in design or assembly caused by lost information. Finally, the company saw an increase in efficiency and quality thanks to improved production standards on its products.

Case Study: Creating a Shared Understanding 

In order to improve the efficiency of their engineering team, Xerox implemented a knowledge management system. This allowed for better communication and collaboration between engineers, as well as increased transparency and accountability. As a result, the team was able to produce better results in less time. Engineer productivity increased by an average of 25%. Engineers were also more satisfied with their work. Furthermore, since knowledge was stored on the system, there was no need to search for it outside of the office.

The Business Value of Knowledge Management

In order to improve engineering output, Xerox turned to knowledge management. By using a system that captures and stores knowledge, they were able to improve communication and collaboration among their engineers. This led to increased productivity and better quality products. Additionally, the knowledge management system helped Xerox to better understand their customer needs and develop new products that met those needs.