Training program to help you launch your open source project

Training program to help you launch your open source project

With open source software driving the growth of the cloud, big data, and the Internet of Things, now more than ever it’s important to know how to get projects up and running in an efficient way that encourages both collaboration and innovation. Enter the Linux Foundation’s new 7-part training program that features tools and best practices from industry leaders who have launched successful open source projects—including SpaceX, Facebook, Mozilla, and Google. Register today to join this exclusive training program!

The goal of the Training

The Linux Foundation’s new 7-part training program is designed to help you launch and manage your open source project. The course covers everything from developing a strategy and building a community to managing contributors and dealing with conflict. By the end, you’ll have the skills and knowledge you need to lead a successful open source project.

Day 1 – Overview of Open Source Projects

Today’s lesson is an overview of open source projects. We’ll learn about the different types of projects, how they are managed, and what the benefits and challenges are. We’ll also explore some real-world examples. Day 2 – Selecting a License: Licensing can be one of the most confusing aspects of managing an open source project. In this module we’ll cover the various licenses that exist and why you would choose one over another. Day 3 – Project Governance: A key component to any successful open source project is governance. In this module we’ll talk about the various approaches for governance, who should be involved in those decisions, and why it matters that developers have a voice in those decisions.

Day 2 – Finding a Community

You have a great idea for an open source project, but where do you start? The Linux Foundation has launched a seven-part training program to help you get your project off the ground. Part two of the series is all about finding a community.

Before you can start building your project, you need to find people who are interested in what you’re doing. There are a few ways to go about this. One is to search for existing communities that might be a good fit for your project.

Day 3 – Writing Great Documentation

Your documentation is often the first thing people will encounter when they use your project, so it’s important to make a good impression. Here are some tips for writing great documentation 1) Write like you speak – use clear and concise language.

  •  Provide context – provide background information on the problem being solved by your project and how it works.
  •  Include step-by-step instructions – be sure to explain how to install, configure, and run a tool.
  •  Address problems – address common problems or questions in an FAQ or troubleshooting guide.

Day 4 – Community Building

Community building is a process of creating and nurturing a group of people who are passionate about your project and who will work together to improve it. It’s important to remember that community building is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. Here are some tips for getting started

  •  Create easy ways for people to share their thoughts on your project – forums, chat rooms, wikis or blogs – so they can find each other and connect with others with similar interests.
  •  Host events where contributors can meet in person to discuss the challenges they’re facing or solutions they’ve come up with.

Day 5 – Getting Involved In Existing Communities

If you’re looking to get involved in an existing community, the best place to start is by finding a project that you’re interested in and submitting a pull request. This is a great way to get your feet wet and learn the ropes of how the community works. Once you’ve done that, you can start participating in discussions on the project’s mailing list or IRC channel. And if you really want to get involved, you can become a maintainer of the project.

Day 6 – Developing Great Code

Developing great code is not only about writing code that works. It’s also about writing code that is maintainable and scalable. To do this, you need to have a good understanding of design patterns and software architecture. This can be difficult to learn on your own, but luckily the Linux Foundation has a new training program that can help. The course is divided into seven parts, with each part focusing on a different aspect of open source management.