How to mystify your screen savers with ribbons and bubbles

How to mystify your screen savers with ribbons and bubbles

The Bubbles, Ribbons, and Mystify screen savers in Windows 10 give you plenty of options to customize the bubbles, ribbons, and glowing lights to your heart’s content. One of the best ways to customize your screen savers is to control the speed at which they play; however, some people don’t realize how easy it can be to adjust this feature. This article will teach you how to customize the screen savers on your Windows 10 computer so that you can make them as fast or as slow as you want them to be.

Customize Bubbles Screen Saver

The first thing that you will need to do is launch Windows 10’s Settings app. Select Personalization in the left-hand navigation pane, and then choose a different Screen Saver from the list at the top of the next window. You will see a few different options for your selection here, including one for Ribbons or Bubbles. If you selected Bubbles, click on Options located on the bottom-right corner of the dialog box.

Create Ribbon Flyouts in Bubbles Screen Saver

One of the most useful utilities for Windows is a hidden feature called Ribbon Flyouts. These are sort of like flyouts, but you’ll find them on the ribbon of Word or Excel when you click an icon (such as Chart Tools). What are they? Let’s say you have an active chart in Excel, like this one You can click Chart Tools then select any number of commands including Format Axis Titles. Notice that if you hover over the button for Format Axis Titles, a small menu pops up with additional formatting options – such as Left & Right titles:

Now let’s go back to our document and add a new text box above where we’re typing Format Axis Titles. To make it look like this new text box was always there all along, we need to use Ribbons.

 Add Water Drops to Main Screen Area

Click the Screen Saver icon on the Windows 10 Desktop Taskbar. Next, in the Screen Saver Settings panel, select Bubbles, Ribbons, or Mystify as the program you want to use. Click Water Drops in order to add water drops that splash against the screen for a more exciting visual experience. Set other options as desired before clicking OK to apply your changes. For example, if you selected Bubbles as the screen saver, you can choose from a selection of different bubble colors and turn off the sound effects before closing the settings window.

Adjust Transparency Effects in Bubble Screen Saver

If you have Windows 10, here are some ways to adjust the transparency effects in the Bubbles screen saver.

  • 1)Click on Change appearance and click on Advanced.
  • 2)Select Transparency, then slide the bar up or down to increase or decrease the transparency of the animation respectively.
  • 3)Click on OK to close the window, then select Back until you reach Desktop Settings.
  • 4)Select Programs from the main menu and then choose which background program you want from either Basic, Nature, Fun Stuff!, or Other Programs.

Create a Ribbon Background Effect in Bubbles Screen Saver

  1. Launch the Bubbles Screen Saver program by clicking Start > All Programs > Windows Accessories > Windows Bubbles.
  2. Click on Customize from the drop-down menu.
  3. Hit Random from the drop-down menu and click on Ok to generate a different set of random background images each time you run the screen saver.
  4. Click Save Settings and Exit to close the window.
  5. Now that you have customized your screen saver, there are many ways you can tweak it even more! You can add some transparency or change how big the bubbles are, for example, by going back into Settings > Background Options > Bubble Size (0% is smaller, 100% is bigger). Try experimenting with these settings until you find something that makes your screensaver just right for your needs!

Show Text on Ribbon Backgrounds

#1. Select an image. Ideally, you should use a high-resolution photo that has enough detail to show up on the small rectangular window of the Ribbons background. I recommend taking a screenshot on your computer or finding one online (look for the largest version you can find). If you have a smaller image, it’ll show up larger but might not be as crisp as it could be.

#2. Open the Customization tab of Personalization (Windows 10 Settings). Select Photos from the Category list at the top left, then hit Create Photo Slideshow from inside Photos view mode. You will be taken back to viewing photos and this time there is a new icon for an empty slideshow at bottom left side of the picture in edit mode.

Add Ribbon Water Droplets to Images

To get Ribbon Water Droplets in the Images settings, you’ll first need to make sure you have a Windows 7 or later system. Second, navigate to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools folder on your computer. Third, find a .zip file named Fourth, extract the Softer folder from inside this file. Fifth, copy the entire contents of this folder into the %windir%\System32 directory on your machine. Sixth, restart your PC for changes to take effect. Seventh, if you want some Bubbles too: Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools again and find a .zip file named – there should be no folders in it – then unpack it into the %windir%\System32 directory as well before restarting your PC for changes to take effect.

Personalize Your Screensavers With Custom Text

If you have a Microsoft account, then chances are you know the Windows 10 personalization options. While it’s true that there are many features of Windows 10 that can be customized, such as the desktop background and lock screen, there are also several other customization features that are easy to miss. In this post, we will tell you how to personalize your screensavers by changing the text in Bubbles, Ribbons, and Mystify for Windows 10. The good news is that the process for customizing your screensavers is very simple!