Practical Managing Tips for Reducing Construction Risk


Construction businesses face several risks that can affect the projects and bottom lines. The stakes are high, whether it be safety risks, price fluctuations, or product delays. Good risk management practices can identify and mitigate many of these risks. Here are practical tips for reducing construction risks: 

Identifying Your Risks

Once risks are identified, the team can take several steps to mitigate them. One way is to transfer the risk. It is done by purchasing insurance coverage for certain categories of risk. It helps protect the managing company from having to pay for unexpected costs on a project. Another way to mitigate risk is to create plans or processes that eliminate the threats from the construction site. For instance, contractors can use a certification-based access control program on their sites to prevent untrained workers from gaining project access. It is also important to identify and assess the impact of a risk on the business or the project. It will help determine which chances are worth reducing and which can be tolerated. Sometimes, a threat may be unavoidable and must be accepted to stay on schedule or ensure worker safety. Fortunately, these risks can be mitigated quickly and efficiently with the right construction safety services.

Developing a Contingency Plan

A construction contingency plan helps absorb costs that may arise throughout a project. For example, residential home builders may run into hidden costs like permit fees or unexpected site conditions that require additional resources. Contingencies are helpful in these situations because they provide a way to handle these extra expenses without impacting the overall project budget. After identifying potential risks, developing treatment plans addressing each threat is important. The first step in creating these plans is to prioritize each risk based on its likelihood of occurring and the impact it would have on the business. Establishing communication guidelines for coordinating and executing contingency actions is also necessary. It may include establishing how to share information, how often stakeholders will be updated and who is responsible for communicating updates. In addition, using an integrated software method to manage your estimating, scheduling and job costing will help simplify these efforts. This approach enables all elements to work together seamlessly and makes it easy to coordinate with other teams.

Monitoring Your Contingency Plan

A contingency plan is similar to a mitigation plan but focuses on responding to risk once it occurs. While a mitigation plan works to reduce the probability and impact of a potential threat, a contingency plan maps out how you will respond to a specific situation or incident that may happen during construction. Managing risks during construction can be difficult, especially when unforeseen events occur. But by developing a comprehensive plan and continually monitoring it, you can ensure that your projects are on time, within budget, and to quality standards. One of the best ways to manage risks is to include a contingency fund in your budget. A construction contingency is money set aside for unanticipated expenses during a project. It is different than a retainage budget, which consists of funds that have been earned but have yet to be owed to anyone.

Developing a Plan B

It is important to develop a Plan B early in the project to analyze and address possible problems before they become major obstacles. Strategies and techniques can be learned that help you systematically search your construction project for alternatives. Some alternatives may be cost-effective and reduce the overall project costs. Other options can be costly.