How to Evaluate the Quality of Backlinks Offered by Backlinking Services

How to Evaluate the Quality of Backlinks

An excellent way to evaluate the quality of a backlink is by checking its relevance. The referring domain must be topically relevant to your website.

You should also check the website’s traffic. This will help you assess whether investing in a link from them is worth it.


The first thing that matters when assessing the quality of backlinks is their relevance. The best backlinks are relevant to the page they link to; the more relevant they are, the more link juice they pass on. A tool can help you check the relevance of a backlink before acquiring it. The website sourcing the backlink should also be topically relevant to your content. Backlinks from authoritative websites are generally of higher quality and offer more value than links from low-quality, new, or spammy websites. In the past, black hat SEOs would hide irrelevant links within pages on different domains to rank higher in search engines. Still, Google updated its algorithms over time to discourage these tactics.

One factor to consider when checking the quality of a backlink is its anchor text. The most relevant anchor texts use the same keyword as the target web page.


If you want a reliable backlinking service like Anew Media Group, look for one with high-quality links. An excellent way to assess this is by reviewing the DA and DR of the website. You can also look for other metrics that indicate the quality of a site, such as website traffic.

Some people argue that quantity is more important than quality regarding backlinks. However, this is only sometimes true. If you have high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites, this will help your website rank higher in search engines.

Another factor that indicates the quality of a backlink is its anchor text. The anchor text should contain the keyword for the page you are linking to. For example, if you connect to a page about bathroom renovations, your anchor text should include “bathroom renovations.” Google will likely flag the link as toxic if the anchor text is irrelevant. The best way to avoid this is to work with a backlinking services provider that offers links with relevant anchor texts.


Undoubtedly, backlink quality is increasingly important in determining search engine optimization (SEO) results. Google has moved away from focusing on quantity to analyzing the quality of links. As such, it’s crucial to assess the quality of your link profile regularly. This will help you spot toxic backlinks and disavow them before they cause any adverse effects on your SEO rankings.

Several factors will identify the quality of a backlink, including relevance, authority, placement, and anchor text. You should check for relevant keywords in the referring website’s content and ensure the anchor text is natural, not over-optimized. 

It’s also important to consider the referring website’s domain authority (DR). Higher DR scores are more desirable, as search engines perceive them as more authoritative. Also, looking for high visitor traffic to the referring site would be best.

Anchor text

The anchor text used to create backlinks is an essential factor in determining the quality of a website. The anchor text should be relevant to the page it links to and avoid over-optimized keywords. Ideally, the anchor text should include the keyword targeted by the web admin. It should also be natural and descriptive so that search engines and users can see the link.

Exact-match keyword anchor texts are best avoided, as they look spammy. Instead, try using partial keyword matches, which are more natural-looking. For example, a “best Portugal vacations” anchor text would be better than an exact-match word like “travel.”

Monitoring your backlink profile regularly and using a tool that details your new links, including their anchor texts, is also a good idea. This will help you identify any suspicious links a bad actor may have added.