Get Ready for Salesforce Industry Clouds: GM talks new products and which verticals are next on their roadmap

Get Ready for Salesforce Industry Clouds: GM talks new products and which verticals are next on their roadmap

The salesforce cloud has evolved over the past decade to meet the needs of sales, service, commerce, marketing and IoT companies and has provided solutions to more than 100,000 customers globally. But what does the next decade look like? Salesforce recently announced their new Industry Clouds at Dreamforce 2016, which was also highlighted in an interview with Ryan Aycock, GM of Platform & Innovation Marketing, Salesforce at the Dreamforce keynote event. In this interview Ryan discusses new products in each industry cloud and which verticals are next on their roadmap. ###

The need to innovate across sales, service, marketing, and advertising (SoMa)

Innovation is key to success in any industry, but especially in the technology sector. The SoMa industry is always changing, and companies need to be able to adapt quickly to stay ahead of the curve. This is where Salesforce comes in. They are constantly innovating and introducing new products that help companies in all industries keep up with the latest trends. In a recent interview, GM of Salesforce Industry Clouds, Steve Blakely, talked about some of the new products they have in the works and which industries they are targeting next. He said that they are working on industry-specific clouds that will help companies in verticals like healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and financial services. These clouds will allow companies to better manage their data and customer relationships.

 Impact of IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) is already having a major impact on the business world, and that impact is only going to grow in the coming years. In fact, Gartner predicts that there will be 20.8 billion connected devices by 2020. That’s a lot of connected devices! IoT has created many opportunities for companies to do things they never could before because it’s allowed them to gather data from an array of sources. The IoT has also created new concerns around privacy and security. But no matter what the future holds, one thing is certain – IoT is here to stay and its influence will continue to grow as more devices come online over time.

Vision of industry clouds

Salesforce’s General Manager for Industry Clouds, Amrita Kapur, recently sat down with Forbes to discuss the company’s vision for industry clouds. Our goal is to provide a single platform that meets the needs of all industries, said Kapur. We want to be able to offer industry-specific solutions that are tailored to each customer’s specific needs. Kapur went on to discuss some of the new products that Salesforce is working on, as well as which verticals they are targeting next.

Analytics as a Service (AaaS)

Salesforce’s Analytics as a Service (AaaS) product offerings provide enterprises with the ability to collect, analyze, and act on customer data in real time. This helps businesses of all sizes to increase customer engagement and loyalty, while reducing churn. Additionally, AaaS provides valuable insights into how customers interact with your brand across all channels. By understanding customer behavior, you can make more informed decisions about product development, marketing campaigns, and operational efficiencies.

Automotive as a Service (AaaS)

Auto industry veterans may have noticed a trend in the last few years: the rise of the subscription model. We’ve seen it with music, movies, and now cars. The idea is simple: instead of buying or leasing a car, you pay a monthly fee to have access to a fleet of vehicles. When you want to go somewhere, you just choose the car you want from the app and it’s delivered to you.

Media & Entertainment as a Service (AaaS)

Salesforce has announced a new industry cloud for the automotive sector. This follows their announcement of other industry clouds such as for healthcare and financial services. Automotive as a Service (AaaS) will help automakers manage customer relationships, connect cars to the internet of things, and create new business models. AaaS is currently in beta with a few select customers, but is expected to be generally available later this year.

Healthcare as a Service (AaaS)

The healthcare industry is one of the most important and complex industries in the world. In order to provide the best possible care for patients, healthcare organizations need to be able to access and share data quickly and securely. That’s where Salesforce’s Healthcare as a Service (AaaS) comes in. AaaS is a cloud-based platform that enables healthcare organizations to manage patient data, coordinate care, and improve outcomes.